Members Present: Judy Cook, Leigh Ann Fulford (Virtual), Kate Furmanski, Kristi Hale, Jacqui Housel, Madeline Iseli, Norbert Klopsch, Mike Miller, Kyle Ramey, Dan Turben
Excused: Roger Crum, Healy Jackson, Brandy Mariani, and Lisa Wagner
A quorum was declared.
Call to Order - Meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m.
I. Approval of August 2, 2022 Meeting Minutes – Housel made a motion, seconded by
Cook, to pass the August 2, 2022 minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.
II. Approval of August 19, 2022 and Meeting Minutes – Cook made a motion, seconded by
Miller, to pass the August 19, 2022 minutes. Klopsch abstained, all others in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.
III. Finance Report (Mariani) – No Report
IV. Discussion: Business and Program Planning Procedures
Iseli proposed and leadership supported a plan to use 2022 to establish an annual calendar of
business, such as membership recruitment, fundraising (annual appeal), budgeting. By laying
this groundwork, it will help establish and build procedures and capacity.
V. Committee Updates/Discussions
Communications (Jackson/Furmanski) –
i. Monthly info about upcoming events is going out to email list of 425. Please send
Communications team notice of events and service opportunities that can be
ii. A special email invite to 9/6/22 Open House was sent out, plus a reminder.
iii. 3 interviews were conducted to complement the library’s programs:
1. Jacquie Housel
2. Oakwood Police Chief Alan Hill
3. Patty Caruso, who took a class from the professor speaking about
iv. Tri-fold brochure was passed out at the ice cream social.
v. Newer members of the leadership team are asked to send the team a headshot and
short bio.
vi. Not certain if email problem has been fixed. Need to confirm with Green.
vii. Ice cream social – visitors expressed appreciation for the communications.
Volunteering (Fulford) – Fulford passed around a signup sheet for leadership to share
their volunteer commitments. Teambuilding and relationship development through
volunteerism is the goal. She still needs a co-chair.
Programs & Events (Miller, Housel, Wagner) –
i. Jacquie created “Ask the Geographer” business cards to encourage group tours of
the Mapping Equity exhibit. Leadership are asked to invite groups to contact Jacquie
for a tour of exhibit.
ii. Youth Programs – Internship donor Ted Shank passed away, so progress has
temporarily slowed but family is committed to continuing the funding plans.
1. Miller is talking with other players so it can be incorporated into school
calendar. OCS looking at process of identifying kids to be in involved. OCS
Foundation is willing to incorporate the internship their scholarship awards
program that occurs in spring.
2. OIC would be primary application review and selector. We will need a
review committee, selection criteria, name for the program, etc. Then we will
need to make a formal presentation to the Shank family.
3. 1 – 2 students each year. 10 weeks: 8 weeks of practicum 40 hours/ week
then a week before and after. $4,000 stipend plus materials costs for the
student (gas, etc.). OIC will give pre-qualified site locations, and the student
would select. Where they want to serve.
iii. Food Truck Rally - Hasn’t heard back from Tae Winston yet, but tentatively
scheduled for Sunday 10/16 in afternoon. Possible rain date of 10/23. Keep it light
and celebratory. Need to verify if G. Nye would agree sponsor it for $. Opportunity to
establish a new Oakwood tradition.
Development (Turben, Iseli) – No report
VI. Action Items
Evaluate current website subscriptions and cancel those not needed; contact WIX to negotiate a lower rate; and submit receipts for reimbursement of expenses for website renewal (Green). CARRIED FORWARD
Look into issues with the email address (Green). CARRIED FORWARD
Develop a draft of an annual budget (Mariani). CARRIED FORWARD
Submit Committee proposals to Mariani for operating budget (Committee Chairpersons). CARRIED FORWARD
Let Chairperson know when you are unable to attend scheduled meetings. ALL
Invite groups to contact Jacquie for a tour of exhibit. ALL
Meet with Lisa Wagner – Fulford and Iseli
VII. Parking Lot: Future Meeting Topics
Market Research Proposal
VIII. Adjournment: Iseli made a motion, seconded by Miller, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:18 PM.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 – 5:00 p.m. Wright Library Community Room