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Minutes: OIC Leadership Team Meeting (September 24, 2021, 3:00 pm - Virtual)

Present: Kristi Hale (Chair), Roger Crum, Judy Cook, Leigh Ann Fulford, Kate Furmanski, Joshua Green, Madeline Iseli, Healy Jackson, Norb Klopsch, Kyle Ramey, Dan Turben

Absent: Sam Dorf, Jeremy Newport

Meeting was called to order at 3:01 PM.

Meeting minutes approved without addendum:

  • August 31

New Business

  • Proposed changes to the bylaws

    • Changes would clarify the relationships between city employees and the OIC.

    • Leadership Team discussed the OIC’s role as a citizen-led grassroots organization.

    • A motion was brought to adopt the proposed changes to the bylaws.

      • The motion carried unopposed.

  • Succession planning

    • Leadership Team discussed desired characteristics of new members.

    • Green volunteered to create a voting mechanism.

    • Hale suggested forming a nominating committee of three Leadership Team members to analyze Green’s data. Volunteers for the nominating committee were identified.

    • Jackson suggested giving members the opportunity to advocate for their nominees; this will be offered after the data gathering phase is complete.

    • Another succession planning meeting in one to two weeks was proposed.

  • Transparency

    • Hale recommended keeping online meeting minutes up to date and establishing a regular meeting time and place.

      • A poll will be sent to the Leadership Team to identify the most convenient monthly meeting schedule.

    • Several possible locations for in-person meetings were suggested.

Committee Reports

  • Programs and Events (Fulford):

    • The OIC will have a banner made to be carried in the MLK Day march.

    • The possibility of a second event, possibly an interfaith event, in the same week was proposed.

    • Hale suggested tying this second event to the OIC general meeting in January, one year after the first general membership meeting.

    • Klopsch suggested that the OIC attend any City of Dayton events planned for MLK Day.

      • Klopsch will contact the city manager of Dayton to find out what they are planning.

    • Cook noted that the OIC will need to secure an indoor space for any large gathering soon.

    • The Big Read: the next book is The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt.

      • Fulford will finalize the date and get the book discussion meeting information to the Communications Committee.

      • The Communications Committee will generate and distribute a press release regarding the Big Read and publicize it online. The deadline for this press release to go out is 10/1/21.

  • Communications (Jackson):

    • Internal feedback regarding the new copy written for the website was summarized.

    • The new look of the OIC website was introduced.

    • Several needs for the website were noted:

      • Membership signup must be implemented.

      • Clipart and photography must be updated.

        • Furmanski noted that a means of securing permission to post photos of people who attend our events must be established before we have in-person events.

      • The work of the UD graphic design students must be acknowledged on the website.

  • Current Issues (Iseli):

    • Iseli described progress toward selecting a research group to gather real-world data on community needs and perspectives.

  • Treasurer (Hale on behalf of Newport):

    • A P.O. box has been set up for the OIC.

    • A new statutory agent has been retained.

    • The OIC needs to establish a budget for next year.

Leadership Reports:

  • Chair (Hale)/Vice Chair (Cook):

    • Hale and Cook reported on a meeting of the Kettering Board of Community Relations.

  • At Large Member (Turben):

    • Turben reported that several grant applications are now under review.

  • City Liaison (Klopsch):

    • Klopsch shared stories about recent conversations with a faith leader and a local family.

  • School Liaison (Ramey):

    • Ramey mentioned various community feedback on curricular content.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:46 pm.

Submitted by Kate Furmanski


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