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Minutes: OIC Leadership Team Meeting (June 7, 2022, 5:00 P.M., Wright Memorial Public Library)

Leadership Present: Judy Cook, Sam Davis, Joshua Green, Leigh Ann Fulford, Kate Furmanski, Kristi Hale, Jacqui Housel, Madeline Iseli, Healy Jackson, Norbert Klopsch, Brandy Mariani, Kyle Ramey, Dan Turben, Lisa Wagner

Excused: Roger Crum, Mike Miller

A quorum was declared.

Others Present: Dr. Kimbe Lange, Mrs. Allyson Couch

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:01 P.M.

Oakwood Schools Overview: EDI and DREAM programs

  • Dr. Kimbe Lange, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment/Director of Gifted Services, shared information on Oakwood City Schools’ Plan for Access and Success for All. The mission is to ensure that all students have a safe, accessible, and nurturing environment for learning, regardless of age, sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, ability, primary language, socioeconomic status, family structure, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other identities.

  • Mrs. Allyson Couch, Director of Educational Services/Human Resources, shared information on Oakwood City Schools’ partnership with Mad River, West Carrollton, and Jefferson school districts to establish Diversity Recruitment of Educators Association for Miami Valley (DREAM). The mission of DREAM is to recruit, support, and mentor current and future BIPOC educators, building a “pipeline” that would increase diversity in the field over time.

Approval of May 4, 2022 Meeting Minutes – Judy Cook made a motion, seconded by Dan Turben, to pass the May 4 Meeting Minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

Committee Updates/Discussions

  • Volunteering (Fulford, Davis) – Feedback was requested of the leadership team on how the OIC should position itself in regards to volunteering. Consensus was to start with an emphasis on information, promotion, and celebration, and gradually explore deeper avenues. The OIC will start by sharing, participating in, and encouraging support for existing community events in a “meet up” style, and develop the website to share leadership team’s areas of volunteer experience.

  • Programs & Events (Miller, Housel, Wagner) – The Committee has not met. Next events will include:

    • A table at the ice cream social in August. ACTION ITEM: Communications Committee to develop a brochure

    • Plan a food truck rally at Lange Stadium (tabled last year because of the pandemic).

    • Tie in to Levitt Pavilion’s Juneteenth celebration. ACTION ITEMS: Communications Committee to send an e-mail blast to members and prepare a press release for the Oakwood Register. Green to create a blog post on the website.

    • Some members of the leadership team may try to hit this weekend’s Pride Community Picnic being held in Shafor Park.

  • Communications (Jackson, Furmanski) – Jackson will send an email with information about the Communications Plan. Committee will follow up on Action Items listed under Programs & Events.

  • Development (Turben, Iseli) – Nothing to report.

Clarifying the OIC Quorum Requirements (Klopsch) – Klopsch will revise Establishing Document to include latest revisions and send to Leadership Team for review and vote at next meeting.

Finance Report (Mariani) – No new donations or grants.

ACTION ITEM: Green will evaluate current website subscriptions and cancel those not

needed; contact WIX to negotiate a lower rate; and submit receipts for reimbursement of

expenses for website renewal.

ACTION ITEM: Furmanski will submit receipts to be reimbursed $250 for the Farmer’s

Market signs.

ACTION ITEM: Committee Chairpersons will submit proposal for their committee’s budget

for next fiscal year.

ACTION ITEM: Mariani will develop an draft of an annual budget.

Parking Lot: Future Meeting Topics

  • Market Research Proposal

  • Budget

Adjournment: Wagner made a motion, seconded by Hale, to adjourn the meeting. Motion

passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 PM.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 – 5:30 p.m. Wright Library Community Room


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