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Minutes: OIC Leadership Team Meeting (January 10, 2023, 5:15 P.M., Wright Memorial Public Library)

Members Present: Judy Cook, Alyson Couch, Roger Crum, Kate Furmanski, Kristi Hale, Jacqui Housel, Madeline Iseli, Rob Jacques, Brandy Mariani, Dan Turben

Excused: Healy Jackson, Leigh Ann Fulford, Mike Miller

A quorum was declared.

Call to Order - Meeting was called to order at 5:16 p.m. Iseli started meeting by congratulating Jacquie Housel on being awarded a national geographer’s award.

I. Approval of December 6, 2022 and Meeting Minutes – Cook made a motion, seconded by

Turben, to pass the minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report – Mariani filed annual state report filed today. Federal report is not due until May but will be done soon. Total contributions for 2022 were $7,330. Balance of $17,000 in

Foundation and Bank Account.

III. Library Programming Review (Hale) - Recent online community survey conducted by the library indicated that divisiveness and disunity are the top in community concern, followed by concerns about bigotry/intolerance, then taxes and economy. Library has sought a partnership with the non-partisan group Braver Angels. A program will be held on March 18, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. All are welcome. OIC will communicate details with OIC membership.

IV. Review of Program Proposals (w/additional details re: costs, volunteers, other logistics)

1. Braver Angels (Green) – OIC could leverage the library’s upcoming program(s) and build toward a Red/Blue workshop.

i. Cost will be about $500 for food for 20 – 30 people; business sponsors would be sought to offset costs.

ii. Event can be held in the library, where there is a large Community Room and space for breakout sessions.

iii. Green would tap the Rotary Club and another conservative group for Red participants; Blue participants are easy to find.

2. Cultural Festival (Iseli) –Fulford was not able to get hold of Tae Winston, Food Truck organizer. Fulford travelling a lot this year. This program idea will be tabled for now.

3. 5K run (Jacques) –City leadership has concerns that OIC 5K will compete with Rotary/TDIM 5K, and that Speedy Feet seemed reticent to add another Oakwood run event. After discussion, a fall 5K event will be explored, perhaps the week after Scarecrow Row.

4. Global Film Fest – Crum has had conversations with management of The Neon, and they are very interested in the idea, which is alignment with the Neon’s mission to help community organizations advance their mission through use of The Neon. Many details are yet to be worked out about costs and scope. Depending on the choice of film, other community groups could become supporters, bringing funding and an audience.

5. Conversation on Specific Topics

i. Juneteenth – Hold a book discussion on the short book, “On Juneteenth,” by Annette Gordon Reed. In person and virtual sessions. Spring timeline, no cost.

ii. A program related to the transgender community. Watch a film and hold a conversation. Explore topic around different-ness.

6. Volunteer Meet-ups -- Dan Turben shared info about volunteer needs of St. Vincent’s and With Gods Grace, a charity that provides mobile free grocery stores. Easy to volunteer at set locations and times, without prior commitment. OIC could use mailing list to share volunteer opportunities and invite members to meet up. Green will investigate how the MeetUp app might be used.

V. Brief Discussion: Annual Meeting Requirement (Madeline)

Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 4, 2023.

VI. February Meeting Schedule – Due to scheduling conflict, the February meeting will be moved to 2nd Tuesday, or 2/14/23. An alternate location must be found. Jacques will see about securing the City’s Training Room.

VII. Next Steps

1. MLK Day Activities (1/16/23). The march will start at 9:30, and simultaneously, Sinclair’s breakfast/speaker event starts in their Great Hall. Participants will have to choose how they want to participate. OIC will communicate with membership.

VIII. Crum delivered an ode to Judy Cook.

IX. Review of Action Items

1. Get Allyson Couch and Rob Jacques an OIC Shirt – Fulford

2. Look into the Meet Up App – Green

3. Secure the City Training Room for 2/14 meeting - Jacques

4. Evaluate current website subscriptions and cancel those not needed; contact WIX to negotiate a lower rate; and submit receipts for reimbursement of expenses for website renewal (Green). Carried Forward

5. Look into issues with the email address (Green). CARRIED FORWARD

6. Develop a draft of an annual budget (Mariani). CARRIED FORWARD

7. Submit Committee proposals to Mariani for operating budget (Committee Chairpersons). CARRIED FORWARD

VI. Adjournment: Turben made a motion, seconded by Jacques, to adjourn the meeting. Motion

passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, February 14 – 5:15 p.m. Location TBD.

Respectfully submitted by Kristi Hale, OIC Secretary


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