Leadership Present: Madeline Iseli (Interim Chair), Judy Cook, Leigh Ann Fulford,
Kristi Hale, Healy Jackson, Norb Klopsch, Dan Turben, Kyle Ramey
Absent: Roger Crum, Jeremy Newport
Others Present: Kate Furmanski and Josh Green
Meeting was called to order at 5:06 PM.
I. Approval of Minutes – Judy Cook moved to approve, seconded by Dan
Turben. All in favor, none opposed.
II. Adopting Proposal – Discussion was held that the proposal will be a
dynamic strategic framework that the OIC will use to develop
committees and direct its activities and initiatives.
a. ACTION ITEM: Leadership team will provide suggested edits to
Madeline Iseli by 8PM on Sunday evening.
III. Planning 2021 Annual Report
a. Healy Jackson has created a chronology of OIC events that will form
the basis for the annual report that will be shared with City Council,
Library Board, School Board, and the membership at the annual
membership meeting.
i. ACTION ITEM: Jackson will share the document with the
Leadership Team and asked that each member review and
send edits through tracked changes.
b. The committee that will work on the annual report is Jackson, Iseli,
Furmanski, and Fulford.
IV. Annual Membership Meeting - The meeting will tentatively include
presentation of a slate of leadership for membership vote and sharing the
strategic framework with opportunity for membership feedback. The
committee to work on the annual memberhip meeting is Kristi Hale, Leigh
Ann Fulford, Madeline Iseli, and Dan Turben.
V. Finance Report – No report from Treasurer Jeremy Newport. There are
some reporting requirements as a 501c3 and the group wishes to ramp up fundraising. Iseli will discuss with Newport.
VI. Fundraising
a. Dan Turben reported on latest fundraising efforts.
i. A $500 gift from an anonymous donor is expected, which will
bring the OIC’s accounts to about $13,000.
ii. Turben expects to hear back about a donation from Kettering
Health in the next 30 days.
b. Leigh Ann Fulford will contact the Dayton Foundation to get a way for
Josh Green to put a credit card “donate now” button on the OIC
c. The OIC’s fundraising efforts to date are unrestricted.
d. There was discussion about the value and importance of pursuing
community research.
e. Iseli and Turben briefed the OIC leadership on the Kettering research
project. Iseli/Turben will share their PPT at a future meeting.
VII.Leadership Team Membership Development Discussion – Leigh Ann Fulford
and Madeline Iseli met with a few people regarding OIC leadership. Before
next meeting of membership, the list of potential leaders should be reviewed
and honed down.
a. Kyle Ramey made a motion, seconded by Norb Klopsch, that Josh
Green and Kate Furmanski be made members of the leadership team.
All in favor, none opposed.
VIII. Next Meeting will be on March 1st. Agenda will focus on the General
Membership Meeting
IX. Future Meeting Topics
a. Talk with school staff
Dan Turben made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kyle Ramey. All in favor,
none opposed. Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 – 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.