Present: Kristi Hale (Chair), Sam Dorf, Judy Cook, Madeline Iseli, Kyle Ramey, Dan Turben, Norbert Klopsch, Kate Furmanski, Healy Jackson, Jeremy Newport, Joshua Green, Leigh Ann Fulford
Absent: Roger Crum
Meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm.
Meeting Minutes approved: August 31, 2021
Treasurer’s Report (Newport)
Newport shared financial statements. These will be held with the minute book. We currently have approximately $8000. No donor-restricted gifts received to date. Expenses have been for the website and legal (filing of 501c3).
New Business
Leadership Discussion:
Klopsch reminded the leadership team that all the organization boards (Oakwood School Board, Oakwood Library Board, and Oakwood City Council) have approved the OIC charter in October 2020.
OIC Leadership had a discussion about the relationships between city employees and the OIC. Leaders discussed how to balance various roles in the community and within the city.
Iseli and Klopsch suggested that we find a new statutory agent for the organization. Discussions about what the new leadership of OIC may look like.
Discussion of how to communicate who we are and what we do, and how often we wish to communicate.
It was suggested that OIC use the 2020 census data as part of our communication strategy of the changing demographics of Oakwood.
Iseli suggested that we refine our definitions of the terms we use (i.e. “equity”).
Turben suggested a regular column in The Oakwood Register.
Ramey shared some of his opening remarks to the school staff.
Cook suggested that we should emphasize that our path is not unique and that that changes in the city are already underway. We should also communicate our local successes in our community.
Committee Reports
Programs and Events Committee (Fulford)
MLK 2022 (17 January 2022). Suggestion to have a banner made and for OIC to participate in downtown parade/march. OIC may wish to offer another event.
Dorf suggested an interfaith event may work as an MLK event. An interfaith event may be good as a separate event as well.
Green suggested ideas to balance programing (i.e. Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics and Religion, 2013). Hale recommended an interfaith or a music event for future programming.
Communications Committee (Jackson/Furmanski)
Will start working on the communication plan.
Scarecrow Way project is also underway. Sketches will be submitted in a week or two.
Current Issues Committee (Iseli) – We have a five-person committee to review the two proposals that have come in from our RFP. Website will be updated with new logo and design soon.
ACTION ITEM: Iseli will follow up with the Dayton Foundation regarding the grant.
Membership Committee (Jackson) – none.
Leadership Team Reports
Chair/Vice Chair (Hale/Cook) -- none
Secretary (Dorf) -- none
City Liaison (Klopsch) – none
School Liaison (Ramey) –none
At Large Member (Turben) – Two grant applications are out. Hope to hear in early September. A few more grants have been submitted, and we may hear from them later this Fall.
Leadership Team Meeting Schedule: Doodle poll will be sent.
Adjourn: 5:30pm
Respectfully submitted, Sam Dorf