Present: Kristi Hale (Chair), Judy Cook, Healy Jackson, Jeremy Newport, Kyle Ramey, Roger Crum, DanTurben,JoshuaGreen,LeighAnnFulford, Norbert Klopsch,MadelineIseli
Absent: SamDorf
Guest: RobJacquesandPastorPeterMatthews
Meeting was called to order at 4:04 P.M.
Meeting Minutes approved: July 30, 2021 (Judy 1st motion, Norb 2nd , all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report (Newport)
$5,800 Balance, includes a $2,000 anonymous donation, $500 from anonymous donation, and $100 from Sam Dorf, all as unrestricted funds.
Old Business
Community Research Update (Iseli)
In response to the RFP for Community Climate Research, Iseli has received a proposal from Burgess & Burgess and is waiting a proposal from Mary Tyler
Iseli has a rubric prepared to review the proposals and anticipates having them reviewed within 3-4 weeks.
Fundraising update (Turben)
We have additional commitments from Park Bank ($2,000) and The Dayton Foundation ($2,500). Two grant applications are pending (Oakwood Rotary and PNC).
ACTION ITEM: Iseli will reach out to Dayton Foundation to see how $2500 commitment can be realized.
Hale thanked Turben for his successful fundraising.
Upcoming Community Events
Ice Cream Social – Aug 22, 4 – 7 PM – is now a virtual event.
ACTION ITEM: Fulford will create a banner.
Scarecrow Row
Jackson will contact Brent Beck to see if he would be interested in creating an OIC logo-inspired scarecrow entry.
Open Records Requests
Rob Jacques reported on the progress of an Open Records request. It has taken much time and resources to gather, review, and make needed redactions in the huge amount of information. He hopes to send it off to the MuckRuck requestor next week.
New Business
Official Minutes Book
Merle Wilberding created an Official Minutes Book for OIC.
Norb said Rob Jacques be in charge of keeping the book.
The board sent edits and Kate and Healy finalized the FAQs.
The OIC board approved the FAQs.
ACTION ITEM: Jackson and Furmanski will format and print them for distribution via flyer and on the website.
Guest Introduction: Pastor Peter Matthews
Pastor Matthews was introduced to the OIC Leadership. He has been newly appointed to the Oakwood United Methodist Church and also serves the McKinley UMC in Dayton. He would like to work with the OIC and fully supports its mission.
Committee Reports
Programs and Events Committee (Fulford)
UnDesign the Redline Docent Tour on Aug 14th - Eighteen persons have signed up
Food Truck Event at Lane Stadium
Cancelled due to the surge in COVID Delta variant.
Jackson had procured a $1,000 grant from Georgiana Nye.
ACTION ITEM: Jackson will let Nye know that the event has been postponed until probably next spring.
Exploring ideas for future events
Funk music event--Fulford is reaching out to the new music teacher at Smith Elementary who wrote his thesis on funk about giving a presentation about funk music and Dayton’s role in its creation.
Interfaith event/program—partner with Peter Matthews and other faith leaders in the community to present a program about the diversity of faith in the community. Perhaps tie in with MLK?
Preparing for the MLK event in January.
Possibly join the large march that takes place in Dayton each year and carry large OIC banner
Perhaps tie the MLK event with a progressive interfaith event where participants visit each faith community
ACTION ITEM: OIC Leadership should send “fun” event ideas to Fulford
Communications Committee (Jackson/Green)
Meeting on 7/20/21
Jackson asks that the Communications co-chair Kate Furmanski be invited to future meetings so she can be informed regarding OIC business and events.
Communications team does not have a social media person. Hale feels social media should wait until OIC is more established.
Jackson and Furmanski will write a press release about our new logo and collaboration with UD’s graphic design students and will also include information from the FAQs to educate the community about our OIC
Website (Green)
Hopes to have website updated with new logo and branding soon
Will include biographies of board members under their names/photos
Will create a page devoted to upcoming community events to promote programs and events in the larger community, such as
Sinclair’s diversity series (Michael Carter/Iseli are contacts)
Wright Library’s virtual presentation with Dan Baker, author of Blood in the Streets, about the 60’s riots in Dayton on November 10th
Current Issues Committee (Iseli) – See above
Membership Committee (Jackson) – Nothing new to report
Leadership Team Reports
Chair/Vice Chair (Hale/Cook) -- none
Secretary (Dorf) – Not present
City Liaison (Klopsch)
Healy Jackson will attend the MVRPC Environmental Justice Academy. It’s a nine- month course that meets once a month on a Friday and Saturday. The City is paying the $250 registration fee.
School Liaison (Ramey) –none
At Large Member (Turben) – see above
At Large Member (Crum) – none
Leadership Team Meeting Schedule: Doodle poll will be sent.
Adjourn: 5:30 P.M. (Roger 1st, Norb 2nd, all in favor) Respectfully submitted, Leigh Ann Fulford