Present: Kristi Hale (chair), Sam Dorf, Judy Cook, Healy Jackson, Leigh Ann Fulford, Roger Crum, Dan Turben, Norbert Klopsch, Jeremy Newport, Madeline Iseli, Kyle Ramey
Meeting Minutes will be voted on at next meeting and posted to OIC Website.
Old Business
Bank Account Access and Funds Disbursement Protocols. We are very close to getting that setup. Will update at next meeting.
April 28 Meeting Planning
§ Program: Fulford shared program ideas. Michael Carter of Sinclair is available that evening. Fulford will reach out to Michael Carter.
Other ideas (i.e. Darsheel Kaur, Julius Amin, etc.. will be saved as ideas for future meetings).
There was discussion of compensation and honoraria for speakers.
Isseli and Fulford will reach out to Michael Carter about identifying a charitable organization for a small honorarium to be donated to.
FORMAT for April meeting (aim for 75 minutes):
Announcements (listing committees, logo, book club)
Open with Breakout Groups to “meet your neighbor” [Time permitting]
Showing of TED Talk
Public Q&A
Press release needs to get written by Friday (16 April) for the 21 April Oakwood Registrar.
Email Blast in our database
Leadership Team will send out to their own circles.
Production: Library Team will take care of logistics.
Designing OIC Logo/Branding Campaign: Crum updated group on conversation with UD student design team. Students will share work to leadership on 28 April via a Zoom presentation. Leadership will meet afterwards to make decision on which design portfolio will be selected. We are making no obligation and signing no contract with the students.
Tag line – “Building Community for All”
Tag words – see attached list for discussion. Maybe used for future campaigns (i.e. banners for Far Hills Blvd.)
New Business
Changes to Establishing Document (Norb): Klopsch suggested making some minor changes to the document:
Add Communications Committee
Remove limit on number of member on each committee
Financial Policies
Additional member
Fulford asked why we do not have Public Safety representative. Klopsch explained that he speaks for the Public Safety Department.
Crum noted that OIC was not mentioned in recent State of the City reports. Future Annual Reports will include OIC.
New opportunity - Symposium “exploring the impact and legacy of Dayton’s racial segregation and inequality, as well as imagining a more inclusive Dayton community” (Sam)
Dorf will forward to Call for Papers to Leadership Team to brainstorm ideas of how Oakwood can participate.
Suggestion to maybe put together a panel with other cities.
Committee Reports
Programs and Events Committee (Leigh Ann)
Fulford asked that we make sure that book club is mentioned in April meeting for a book club meeting in May or June. Library can help with logistics.
Current Issues Committee (Madeline)
Iseli shared that Bill Burgess will speak to the committee to walk through the proposal and how it was developed. Invite will be shared with Leadership Team.
Communications Strategy and Communications Committee (Josh)
Hale shared that there was an initial meeting and Josh Green volunteered to chair the Communications Committee. Team approved protocol that public communication will go through Communications Committee Chair and OIC Chair. The website will be a central information space. Green will update with new resources as well. There is still a need for a social media coordinator for the team.
Membership Committee (Healy) – nothing to report
Leadership Team Reports
Chair/Vice Chair (Kristi/Judy) – Library working on reading lists to share. Cook shared that we may need more clarification on how individuals can become members. Klopsch suggested that we update website to read “Become a Member” in addition to “Subscribe Now” that captures more information than email (i.e. home address). Jackson wants people not to feel obligation without clear expectations of what they are getting into.
Treasurer (Jeremy) – all the bank materials have been submitted. We should get official access next week. Anyone on OIC committee will be able to make deposits with routing and account numbers.
Secretary (Sam) – nothing to report
City Liaison (Norb) – nothing to report
School Liaison (Kyle) – Internal professional development and continued collaboration with local groups is on-going. Schools will focus on culture, curriculum and community. There is an initial focus on culture first. Diversity numbers were also shared via email with leadership team. Oakwood Schools also received a grant to help recruit a more diverse faculty as well as participated in new job fairs to bring in a more diverse pool of applicants.
At Large Member (Dan) – noted the Niche report and Oakwood Schools diversity report.
At Large Member (Roger) – asked if we could sponsor something with the schools on an annual basis, and to continue interaction with the schools.
Leadership Team Meeting Schedule: Fulford will send some updates via email.
Adjourned at 5:31PM
Respectfully submitted, Sam Dorf