From the Oakwood Schools Board of Education
Oakwood Schools Board of Education is showing its support for the Oakwood Inclusion Coalition, passing a resolution Monday, Oct. 12 at the Board’s regular monthly meeting to recognize the community group.
OIC is a citizen-driven organization with the mission “to study, promote, and celebrate an inclusive, equitable, diverse and welcoming environment and community for everyone who lives, works, visits, or passes through Oakwood.”
“The Board of Education is pleased to join the Oakwood Inclusion Coalition to help advance the foundational importance of diversity, equity and inclusion and to help promote these values throughout our community. We hope the district's active collaboration fosters an authentic and meaningful dialogue and set of actions that extend far beyond our community's borders, which intersects with all people everywhere. We look forward to the opportunities to develop and grow through our own vulnerabilities and awareness,” Oakwood BOE President Todd Duwel said.
Oakwood City Council passed a similar resolution last week and the Wright Memorial Public Library is expected to approve its resolution Oct. 19.